Apache Spark RDD example
This tutorial will cover basic RDD operations that can be run on either Google Colab or Databricks Community Edition.
While Databricks has Spark installed as a native module, Google Colab needs some previous configuration to set the environment for the RDD operations.
We will first install PySpark, a Python library that let us use Apache Spark:
!pip install pyspark
After the module is installed, we will set up Spark Configuration so we can use SparkContext:
from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkConf
conf = SparkConf().setAppName('test').setMaster('local')
sc = SparkContext(conf=conf)
In order to work with RDDs we need to understand how an RDD is created. We will execute sc.parallelize([your_data])
to create an RDD. By default, Spark admits lists and dictionaries on the parallelize argument. Now, if we want to see the content of an RDD, we must execute .collect()
We can see here an easy example:
nums2 = sc.parallelize([3,2,1,4,5])
evens = nums2.filter(lambda elem: elem%2==0)
odds = nums2.filter(lambda elem: elem%2!=0)
order = pairs.union(impairs)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Let’s explain this operation:
- We first create our rdd with
under the variable name “nums2” - We use a transformation operator (filter) and set up a lambda algorithm that will search for even numbers.
- We will do the same but searching for odd numbers.
- We execute an action operator (union) to join even and odds on a single list.
- To end this operation we will execute a TakeOrdered so we get an ordered list.