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Kappa Architecture

Kappa architecture is a big data processing pattern that has historically diverged from [[Lambda Architecture|Lambda]]. Its foundation is to treat all arriving data as a stream, therefore it contains no batch layer by design, relying solely on a [[Stream Data Processing|stream processing]] layer (“speed layer”).

%%{init: { "flowchart": { "useMaxWidth": true } } }%%

graph LR


A((Message Broker))


subgraph Speed Layer

B("Stream processing job (n)")

C("Stream processing job (n+1)")



A --> B

A --> C


subgraph Serving Layer

D("Output table (n)")

E("Output table (n+1)")



B --> D

C --> E

Kappa Architecture Advantages

  • Only need to maintain, develop and debug a much smaller codebase compared to Lambda architecture.
  • Advantageous for use cases that require high data velocity.

Kappa Architecture Disadvantages

  • General challenges related to implementing stream processing at scale.
  • Higher data loss risks by design - requires specific data storage and recovery strategies.

Kappa Architecture Learning Resources

Questioning the Lambda Architecture – O’Reilly (