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Lambda Architecture

Lambda architecture is a data processing pattern designed to strike a balance between low latency, high throughput, and fault tolerance. This architecture type uses a combination of batch processing to create accurate views of large data sets and real-time stream processing to provide views of live data. The results from both sets can then be merged and presented together.

%%{init: { "flowchart": { "useMaxWidth": true } } }%%
graph LR

A((Data Source))

subgraph Batch Layer
B("Batch view(s)")
subgraph Speed Layer
C("Real-time view(s)")

A --> B
A --> C

subgraph Serving Layer
D("Combined view(s)")

B --> D
C --> D

Lambda Architecture Advantages

  • Efficiently serves batch and real-time workloads

Lambda Architecture Disadvantages

  • Duplicated code/logic for both batch and real-time views

Lambda Architecture Learning Resources