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Apache Hadoop


Apache Hadoop is a data processing framework designed to batch process big amounts of data.

Official Documentation

Apache Hadoop Advantages

  • MapReduce function
  • Divide and Conquer strategy to deal with data
  • HDFS system to store data

Apache Hadoop Disadvantages

  • Hadoop works on disk, which makes it slower than memory
  • Low efficiency on small files
  • High latency


HDFS or Hadoop Distributed File System is a native tool on Hadoop that let us store structured and non-structured data on a local cluster. Although HDFS is the main option and is the one Apache Spark uses as well, Hadoop offers other tools such as HFTP, HSFTP, WebHDFS, and Amazon S3.

How does Hadoop work?

Apache Hadoop is settled upon a Leader-Follower system. A Leader node, also known as NameNode in HDFS, will be responsible for creating tasks and sending information to Follower nodes through the information nodes, known as DataNodes.

Once the name node and the data nodes are configured, the Leader will set a job-tracker. This job-tracker will have control over the tasks using task-trackers on the Follower nodes. This is done to prevent Followers from trying to complete every task, that is, job-trackers indicate exactly which tasks must be done on each follower node as well as which information every follower node needs to fetch from the data nodes.

This way of working, the Divide and Conquer system, is also what defines MapReduce on Hadoop. Tasks get divided to every follower node, which improves data processing speed on real large datasets. MapReduce consists of two functions:

  • Map: Map will read important information in the HDFS environment, analyzing key-value pairs and sending them to the datanodes.
  • Reduce: Reduce will retrieve all pairs and group them by its key to produce the final pairs. Once this finishes, the data will be stored in a datanode.

When the MapReduce function is finished, the leader will be informed.


When to use Hadoop?

Use it if… Don’t use it if…
You are working with tasks that can be divided on side jobs You are working with serial tasks or low latency tasks